Hiding or honouring awareness?

Is it possible to honour all of my feelings, even the ones I would rather not have, without getting sucked into the quicksand of emotional discomfort?

I am learning that in addition to making sure my body’s needs are met, with hydrating, eating and moving my body often, I benefit from acknowledging my Being, and it’s awareness.

Sometimes I am aware of emotions, low mood, lethargy, or anxiety. Especially when an emotion is intense, and has a ‘sudden onset’ and no obvious trigger, I have been asking the valuable question “Is this mine?” And I was surprised, at first, to find that often, what I was aware of wasn’t mine to begin with.

I had frequently been making the error of feeling something, and assuming it was mine, simply because I was feeling it. After I had assumed it was mine, I made it mine, adopted and instituted it, and all of it’s limitations, as real.

I have noticed lots of judgement in the litany of my mind’s chatter. I notice that when I asked if the judgement was mine, the response was easy, and Light, in my body, nope, totally not mine. Cool.

I perceive that judgement limits awareness, and creates separation. So far, I vastly prefer connection and awareness, and I am learning to notice judgement when it arises. I can acknowledge that judgement isn’t fun for me or my body, and I would like to choose to create from a place of zero judgement.

In transparency, I have also noticed myself hiding self-limiting choices, and justifying old habits and patterns that I would very much like to be free of, in totality, for all eternity. It is amazing how many ‘brain-calculations’ it takes to hide something from yourself, something you would rather deny, ignore, avoid, and escape from.

What if I could be choosing more allowance of me, right now? What if when I choose total allowance of me, and true caring for all of me, I can be and receive enormous contribution here?

So far, one of my hardest homeworks is to consistently choose to perceive, know, be, and actually choose to be all of me, and my extraordinary capacities, in total allowance of me, and all of who I Truly Be.

What if, when I am in allowance of it, my awareness is enormous, and extends much further than the edges of my body, my home, or even the planet?

What if I can open more choice for my body, mind, and Being, by engaging different language when I notice emotions? Would saying that I perceive anger give me more choice than saying I feel angry, or I am angry?

I perceive more choice when I say “I am aware of anger,” or “I notice anger here.”  I find that when I say “I am angry,” I am defining and limiting me with the anger, rather than with the possibilities my awareness and perceptions provide.

It is a small shift, and yet, for me, it seems to provide just a little bit more space to choose with, and I like creating with more choice, freedom, and ease. Yes please. More freedom, choice, and ease, please.

What do you want to choose? Judgement of you, or Allowance of you?

Im gonna give allowance some more practice and get back to you.



What if breath carries Love?

What if…

Deepening breath, deepens our thoughts.

Breathing deeply, helps us communicate our Truth with Love.

With each Love-full breath, we can invite Love in, and help it grow.

By nourishing me, with my breath, I am nourishing you; radiating Love from a place of full.

I am learning that my breath is one of my most powerful tools to support my body, and remain harmonious, even around those who are suffering, or upset.


Loving vision

When we choose to see the world with appreciation; gratitude for isness, we open to an adventure in awe and abundance.

When we choose to see the world through a perspective of infinite beauty, we find beauty is everywhere, and generous.

When we choose to see the world with Light, we find there is Light everywhere we look, and we radiate from a place of full.

When we choose to see the world with Love, we open to the Truth; Love is everywhere, and for everyone.

We open to a world where we are allowed to feel Loved, Loveable, and Loving, we open a world of infinite possibilities, intimate connections, and so much Joy.


escalating anticipation

Many of the people I serve in my practice have patterned relationships with the moon, with varying degrees of awareness.

I have noticed that when we do not have an understanding of why our needs, and abilities, may vary from day-to-day, it can be easy to blame ourselves, if we perceive that we are not ‘performing’ at ‘full capacity’, all of the time. While there are lots of possible reasons why motivation, energy, and performance vary from day-to-day, mindful noticing, and generous gentleness, can go a long way towards easing the humanity of our process.

Many people have no conscious awareness how their energies are implicated by greater systems, such as the lunar cycle, and so, do not schedule their time and expectations more gently in alignment with the natural ebb and flow of their energies, and end up oscillating between feeling under-stimulated, and feeling like their time, and energy, are spread way too thin.

In anticipation of this Saturday’s full moon I am remembering to breathe deeply, often, think gentle thoughts, and engage in gentle, restorative self-care practices, like walks, stretching, and making time to write my busy thoughts down in a  journal.

If this week you find yourself feeling agitated, or ‘wound a bit more tightly’, or feeling less patient with yourself, or others, please remember gentleness, and deep breaths, and share them liberally.

If there are self-care strategies that you are practicing that are serving you, please feel free to share them in the comment section. I welcome your observations, and I would Love to learn about what is working for you.

happy healing.