What if breath carries Love?

What if…

Deepening breath, deepens our thoughts.

Breathing deeply, helps us communicate our Truth with Love.

With each Love-full breath, we can invite Love in, and help it grow.

By nourishing me, with my breath, I am nourishing you; radiating Love from a place of full.

I am learning that my breath is one of my most powerful tools to support my body, and remain harmonious, even around those who are suffering, or upset.


happy new year

Today is a double-awesome day of celebrations.

Today is an Aquarius new moon, I wish a happy new moon to all! And, with the 2nd new moon following Winter Solstice, we also get to celebrate Chinese new year.

Happy new year, filled with Love,  joy, ease, and abundance for all!

This past year has held so very much change, focused commitment, healing, learning, and more Love than I had imagined possible.

This year, I am affirming my commitment to choosing true caring for me, more than ever before.

Loving vision

When we choose to see the world with appreciation; gratitude for isness, we open to an adventure in awe and abundance.

When we choose to see the world through a perspective of infinite beauty, we find beauty is everywhere, and generous.

When we choose to see the world with Light, we find there is Light everywhere we look, and we radiate from a place of full.

When we choose to see the world with Love, we open to the Truth; Love is everywhere, and for everyone.

We open to a world where we are allowed to feel Loved, Loveable, and Loving, we open a world of infinite possibilities, intimate connections, and so much Joy.


radiatiting from a place of full

I invite each of you to radiate from a place of full.

I am learning new ways to commit, more fully, to unconditional Love. This kind of Love opens Love for everyone, all of the time.

As powerful, and abundant as Love is, it always  honours our will. I am learning to invite Love in, welcome Love, and choose Love with every action, every word, and every breath.

As committed as I am to choosing Love, ease, and gentleness, I often find this challenging, especially when it comes to committing to unconditional Love for myself, free of judgement.

And yet, no choice I have made have been more rewarding  than my commitment to choosing Love and ease, free of judgement for myself, or others.

Judgement is a way to distance, limit, and separate.

The more I choose Love, the more Love opens in my life, everywhere. So very awesome.

May we all choose Love, and fill up, so full, overflowing the previously perceived edges, that we radiate from a place of feeling truly Loved, Love-able, and Loving.

We, each, deserve more Love than we have ever previously imagined or opened for ourselves. Love leads to Love.

I choose Love.